Why Every Small Law Firm Owner Should Have a Virtual Assistant

Aug 12, 2022

Today’s legal market is increasingly competitive and fast-paced. Small law firms can no longer afford to operate with the same old working methods. They need to adopt new ways of thinking and working that are more effective, resourceful, and time-saving. Small law firm owners can unlock their potential and double their productivity with a virtual assistant (also known as a VA or an assistant). A virtual assistant will take on responsibilities that take up too much time in your schedule and give you more time for essential tasks – like expanding your business! This article will show why every small law firm owner needs a virtual assistant, the types of VAs, how they can support you, and what challenges you may face if you hire one.

Why Every Small Law Firm Owner Should Have a Virtual Assistant

Businesses that spend more on administrative tasks can increase their revenue by up to 20 percent! Managing your firm’s administrative tasks more effectively can help you grow your business. There’s no reason why the administrative functions of a small law firm should take up so much time and energy. With the help of a virtual assistant, you can free up time for more meaningful and profitable activities. Virtual assistants can help law firms of all sizes and in all stages of their life cycle. Whether you’re just starting or a multi-million dollar firm, a virtual assistant can make your life easier and increase your profitability. Small law firms especially can reap many benefits from hiring a virtual assistant.

The Importance of Having a VA

Many small law firms make the mistake of hiring a virtual assistant before they need one. You shouldn’t. You don’t have to hire someone right away. Before hiring a virtual assistant, you should ensure that they are necessary and beneficial to your business. Here are a few signs that you need to hire a virtual assistant: - You work in a field where speed is essential - A virtual assistant’s primary function is to save you time. If your firm works in an area where speed is critical (like litigation), then you probably don’t have the time to complete tasks like research, data entry, and scheduling. A VA can free you up to work on more critical tasks and increase your firm’s productivity. - You need extra help - If your firm is experiencing growth, you’ll likely have more work than you can handle. A virtual assistant can help you keep up with your workload by taking on some administrative tasks. - You have many clients to manage - If you manage many clients, you probably have many administrative tasks that take up your time. These tasks include scheduling meetings, taking notes, drafting emails and letters, and data entry. A virtual assistant can help you manage your workload, so you don’t have to worry about these tasks taking up too much of your time.

3 Reasons You Should Hire a Virtual Assistant

Now that you know when you should hire a virtual assistant, let’s consider why you should hire one in the first place. Think about the reasons you started your law firm in the first place. For many, it was to create a more fulfilling life, work on meaningful projects, and do something that makes a positive difference in the world. A virtual assistant can help you achieve those goals and more. 

Here are the top 3 reasons you should hire a virtual assistant: 

- To create a more fulfilling work-life - Working with a VA can help you create a more fulfilling work-life by enabling you to focus on the types of tasks you enjoy. No matter what kind of law you practice, there are likely tasks that take up too much of your time and don’t allow you to do what you enjoy. A VA can take on these tasks, so you can work on the things that matter to you. 

- To increase your profitability - A virtual assistant can help you by taking on tasks you don’t have time for and don’t like doing. By hiring a VA, you can spend more time working on tasks that bring in money for your firm, like meeting with clients and selling services. 

- To free up time for other essential tasks - As your business grows, you’ll need to take on more responsibilities, like managing your firm’s marketing and client relations. You also need to spend more time on administrative tasks, like data entry and scheduling. A virtual assistant can take on these responsibilities and free up your time for more critical tasks.

2 Types of Virtual Assistants & Which One is Right for You

Before you start searching for a virtual assistant, you must know the different types of VAs and what they do. There are other VAs, each with its strengths and weaknesses. When hiring a virtual assistant, you want to ensure they’re the right fit for you and your business. Having the wrong VA can lead to problems, unmet expectations, and a strained relationship between you and your assistant. Before hiring a virtual assistant, make sure you choose one that is the right fit for your law firm. 

- Administrative assistants - Administrative assistants are generalist assistants with a wide range of skills and can help with various tasks. There are three sub-categories of administrative assistants: executive assistants, administrative assistants, and virtual assistants. Executive assistants usually work for someone at the executive level (like a CEO or CFO), while administrative assistants work at the director or manager level. Virtual assistants work remotely, most often via online tools and communication. 

- Specialty assistants provide specific services, like transcription, editing, or design. You can hire a specialty assistant as a one-off project or as a full-time hire.

3 Tips When Hiring a Virtual Assistant

Now that you know what a virtual assistant is, why you should hire one, and what types of VAs are, it’s time to start looking for one that is the best fit for you and your law firm! Hiring a virtual assistant is a big decision, so be prepared. 

Here are three tips for hiring a virtual assistant: 

- Set clear expectations - The best way to set clear expectations is by creating a detailed job description. You can use a job description to define the type of work your VA will do, the skills they’ll need, and the hours they’ll work. You can also use a job description to attract the correct type of candidates and eliminate anyone who isn’t a good fit for your firm. A clear job description will help you hire the right person for the job.

 - Hire for your business, not your skills - Many law firms hire VAs because they lack the skills to do specific tasks. If you hire a VA because you lack the skills to do something, you’re hiring them for you. When you hire a VA for your business, you’re hiring them for the tasks your business needs to be done but that your firm can’t do alone. This will help you hire the right person and avoid hiring someone who isn’t a good fit for your law firm. 

- Ask the right questions during the interview - During the interview process, you want to ensure that you ask the right questions. They don’t need to be long or complicated, but they should be focused and specific. Focus on two things when interviewing VAs: how their experience is relevant to the job and how they would approach the job if hired.


There’s no denying that today’s legal market is increasingly competitive, and small law firms must adopt new ways of working to survive. Firms can no longer afford to operate with the same old working methods, and they need to find new ways of thinking and working that are more effective, resourceful, and time-saving. With the help of a virtual assistant, law firms can free up time for more meaningful and profitable activities and create a more fulfilling work life for their owners.